Flow yoga Ringkøbing - Experience yoga on the West Coast

Distance: 0.26 Km

 | +45 2229 3675  |  freja@corellyoga.dk | 
"Yoga is a tool to be able to create balance in life - right where you are". Corell yoga is based on the body's natural movements and is characterized by an energetic flow that curiously and lovingly develops the body's strength and mobility.

Local weekly yoga classes and courses

Corell yoga offers regular weekly yoga classes and courses in Hvide Sande and Ringkøbing. The classes are open to anyone who might be interested. Check out the different types of classes and locations on Corellyoga's website.

Your mobile yoga teacher

Distances on the west coast can be long and that is why Corell yoga offers to come out to you. The dream is to be able to offer yoga to everyone who is interested, whether you are in a holiday home, have a party or want to immerse yourself in a private lesson. If you need a location, just say so - Corell yoga has several places to offer both for large and small yoga sessions.
In addition, various pop up yoga events are regularly held where you can have a yoga experience while you are on the west coast - check when the next yoga event is under "IT HAPPENS".

Western sea yoga / Beach yoga

Movement makes you happy and movement in nature makes you extra happy. Vesterhavsyoga wants to make use of the beautiful nature that we have here on the west coast, surrounded by sea and fjord. We must have sand between our toes, feel the wind on our cheeks and the roar of the water become the soundtrack to 45 minutes of freedom of movement in the form of yoga. The mission is to release more energy both through bodily movement and the flow that occurs when body, mind and nature are connected.
Vesterhav yoga takes place on the south beach in Hvide Sande, on the beach in Søndervig at the end of Badevej and at Ringkøbing Fjord in front of Westwind north several times a week. Check out corellyoga's website and find out when the next West Sea Yoga is.

Yoga & surfing

Corell Yoga collaborates with Rip Star, Drivethru, Nordic Surf Travl and Westwind. Yoga and surfing harmonize with each other in that both forms of movement ride on a wave of natural flow, where it's all about being present here and now. Would you like to join the wave? Then send me an email: freja@corellyoga.dk

About Corell Yoga

"My dream with Corell Yoga is to celebrate the body's natural movement. Spreading the joy of moving without having to be influenced by achievement, shame or expectation. To be more open and curious!”

About Freja Corell

My heart burns to bring curiosity, attention and (self) love to people I meet on my way, where my desire is to make people stand stronger in themselves - both today, but also in a healthy well-being in the future. I love to move. I move to feel alive and to always be ready for life's challenges. I move to maintain the body's natural strength, mobility and balance so that it can carry me throughout life. I move to create peace and clarity in my mind. I move to create the energy to be able to take care of my family and everyone else I meet in my life. I move to constantly unfold and explore my body and surroundings. I move because it is my conviction that through movement we can experience happiness and gain a greater sense of meaning in our existence.

Updated by: VisitVesterhavet | turist@visitvesterhavet.dk
Corell Yoga in Ringkøbing Photographer: Corell Yoga Copyright: VisitVesterhavet
Freja Corell on a yoga mat Photographer: Corell yoga
A group does yoga indoors Photographer: Corell yoga